December 17, 2002

Project COUNTER ( - an initiative for the international standardization of statistical reporting of online resource use - is releasing its first Code of Practice on January 14. The idea is that by promoting adherence to standards, vendors and customers will be able to report and compare use more effectively, and that the data will actually be comparable.

December 12, 2002

Check this out: Sacramento History Online, a joint project of the Sacramento Public Library, the California State Library, the California State Railroad MuseumLibrary, and the Sacramento Archives and Museum Collection Center. It's an interactive digital collection of photographs, documents, and ephemera related to transportation in Sacramento between 1850 and 1930, and includes lesson plans, links to related information, and a transportation game.

December 03, 2002

This website, maintained by Kathleen de la Peña McCook, a professor of library and information science, aims to highlight new "tables" at which librarians should be participating. The role of libraries and librarians in developing community relationships is more crucial now, than ever.
A Librarian at every table: Librarians and community initiatives
(Thanks to Librarian's Index to the Internet)