March 16, 2012

Rain Makes Me Feel Crafty

When I was about 10 or 11 years old, I got home after a wet and rainy walk from school to find that my mom had made some hot chocolate and bought me the McCall's Christmas Make-It Ideas magazine. OMG! I pored over all the exquisite things people had made: decorations, gifts, wrappings, food ... Ever since that afternoon, the onset of rainy weather has triggered an urge to make stuff.

Speaking of which, it's been raining steadily for the last few days. The rain is pinging in my chimney and sounding like temple bell wind chimes. It's a macaroni-and-cheese, hot chocolate kind of day. So it's just as well I'm about halfway through this year's Bernat Mystery Afghan Crochet-Along! I'm about 1 week behind, but I will make that up this weekend if it continues raining. I think it's going to be lovely!