May 19, 2007

One Person's Junk

This morning, as my walking buddy and I were heading out, we saw that one of our neighbors was holding a moving sale, and selling everything in her house! The dining table, wool rugs, and hutch looked really good, but I'm still happy with my grandmothers rattan and koa dining table set and we have no room for a hutch. However, I did pick up the George Foreman electric grill - it's a domed model that can be used outside or inside, is big enough for several pounds of chicken or steak, and only cost me $25! She said she had used it only a couple of times, and it was in near-pristine condition.

We used it tonight to grill steaks, potatoes, mushrooms, onions, and asparagus. Worked like a charm! and the best part is that we don't have to wait for the fire to go out.

Our townhouse complex has a clause in the lease agreement that forbids outdoor barbecues, both charcoal and gas. With the electric grill, we are abiding by the contract, but are able to grill outdoors anyway, keeping the house cool. We were just saying last night that this 'plex must be the only one in the county that forbids outdoor barbecues, and lamenting the thought of a second summer without a single barbecue. Next weekend is the Memorial Day Holiday, the traditional beginning of the summer barbecue season. I expect it would have been embarrassing to not barbecue that day! Now we can redeem ourselves and cook outside with the rest of California next week Monday.

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