February 20, 2009

Prayer Shawl

This is a prayer shawl I began working on before it got cold. Spring is on the way now, though, so it may get finished right about the time we start wearing shorts and sleeveless tops. Prayer shawls are supposed to be made to give away. As you knit or crochet them, you are entwining good thoughts and prayers for the recipient in each stitch. When worn, it's like a hug. I think I'm going to keep this first one, though.

I first heard about prayer shawls in the book "Back on Blossom Street" by Debbie Macomber. Such a shawl seemed like it would make a really good gift for someone who might be experiencing stress, hard times, or a difficult situation. When I came across a pattern on the Lion Brand web site, I decided to make one. I repurposed yarn from a project I had aborted, and the shawl is now more than half finished. It will be soft, warm, and subtly striped, and I certainly plan to enjoy it next year, when the temperture drops again.


PeonInChief said...

Which yarn did you use for this?

annot8 said...

It's Lion Brand Homespun in "nouveau".