February 01, 2005

Did my first shift at Cosumnes River College last night, and found that it was mostly like working in a public library with the addition of some college-related housekeeping. We need to be able to locate books put on reserve by the instructors, find information about the students' records, and show them how to load their student access card with funds so they can retrieve their print jobs.

At home, the hummingbirds have finally discovered the feeder we put up last fall - this morning we took it down to change the syrup, and a distinctly annoyed hummingbird buzzed up and down the glass door looking for it. Up close, they are fearless, and from 4 feet away they sound like BIG cockroaches!

We've also noticed a plethora of other birds around our apartment: a woodpecker looking for bugs on the redwood outside the front windows, an owl hooting and hunting at night, geese flying and honking, and scrub jays flashing blue up and down the shrubs and trees.

Super-squirrel found the chestnuts we placed on the shed roof, and I notice he's been digging in my potted plants on the patio!!

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