February 05, 2005

Today was a trying day. It started when we got off the Freeway at I-5 and J St. Crews are digging up the streets in that area, installing sewers and electrical lines for the light rail. It didn't look like we would be able to turn into the library's driveway, so we drove around the block and Marty let me out at the corner of 8th and I. I was balancing my way along the curb so as to avoid stepping into the mud when my shoe slipped and I fell on my hands and knees on the edge of the sidewalk - one muddy knee, but no injury, thank goodness.

Driving home, the electrical system in the car failed and it stalled about halfway home. Luckily, Marty was able to coast to an off-ramp, but had to walk about 1/2 mile to the nearest phone to call AAA. By the time he got back to the car, AAA had been and gone, leaving a note on the windshield, "we came, but you weren't here. You're supposed to stay with the car." So Marty walked all the way back to the phone and called again - tried to convince the dispatcher that he needed help, that he was not at the car, that he needed 10 minutes to walk back to the car, and that the tow truck needed to wait for him to walk back there. The second tow truck operator did connect with Marty, and towed the car to the service station. The alternator was replaced, and now all is well again.

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