September 22, 2006

Give 'em Wheeeels and They Will Roll!

Pat - "... and I'm going to Phoenix on Friday, for the weekend."

Me - (Trying to be cool about this bombshell) "So, you decided to keep the extra $2k from the loan? How much was your ticket?"

Pat - "No. I'm driving."

Me - (after picking my jaw up from the floor) "Oh."

Start address: Sacramento, CA 95831
End address: Phoenix, AZ
Distance: 747 mi (about 12 hours 9 mins)

So, why would he suddenly decide to drive across two states? His girlfriend, Alix, attends college in Phoenix. She's been in California this past week, playing volleyball for her school. Pat drove to the Bay Area for a couple of her games, and they cooked up this scheme that he would visit her in Phoenix on the weekend ...

In deference to his mom's anxious concern, Pat called twice on his way there - once during a rest stop in Needles, and again after he got to Phoenix. So, we know he can navigate with MapQuest's help, and we know his Mitsubishi made it to Phoenix, but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed until he makes it back here.

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