January 10, 2007

We Switched, Rather Than Fight

As of today, we've joined the "fast" crowd: we signed on with Comcast for cable Internet service.

I have felt for a long time that Marty should have a faster connection for his work, but things always seemed so complicated. Last Saturday, in a fit of courage, I called Comcast and they came today to hook him up. He's happy that web pages load fast, and he doesn't have to twiddle his thumbs any more.

I am keeping my Yahoo mail account, and I'll overlap the Earthlink/Netcom mail account for another month to be sure there are no bugs. I feel sad about cancelling it, because I've had that e-mail address for nine years! My new e-mail address is annot8@comcast.net.

We have not set up a wireless network for the new account, because Marty's communications with his clients must remain secure. But I can access my new Comcast e-mail account from the web, and also create a home page. I'm poking around in their help files, and will make a new Owens Outpost or migrate the existing one to the new host sometime in the next month.

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