February 09, 2008

Like a River

Evening River
Way back in the '60s, there was a song we sang in church: "Peace is flowing like a river." That's how I feel when I walk along the levee in the mornings and evenings. This evening after work, I combined my half-hour levee walk with my half-hour Wenzel walk for a 3-mile workout. Evening sunsets are particularly beautiful at this time of year, and the cell-photo really doesn't do justice to the color and the serenity up on the levee.

My training program for the Train to End Stroke half-marathon requires that I walk a progressively greater number of miles each week. This week, I walked 11 miles; next week it will be 12 miles. My supervisors have been very supportive, and have given me day shifts exclusively until the half-marathon on May 18. Now I can participate in the evening training sessions with Team Sacramento, instead of training alone all week.

I've sent out the first wave of fund-raising e-mails and received enough contributions to put me at 25% of my goal already! The next group of letters will be directed toward my co-workers, and the third push will be at my Curves gym, where the manager has agreed to let me post information and a request for donations. For those with a voyeuristic bent, a progress chart is available on my donation page.

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