March 14, 2008

The Walk to Nugget

I intended to walk 3 miles after work last evening, which I estimated would take about an hour. But M suggested we have Chicken Salad for dinner, which required crunchy chow mien noodles to top it with. "Why don't you walk down to Nugget and get some?" he suggested - so I did. It took me longer than I expected: 45 minutes of brisk walking. I called him as I left the store to let him know I'd be a little late getting back, and he said, "change of plans - we don't have enough chicken."


So I walked 45 minutes back with a can of crunchy chow mien noodles, a bottle of lite soy sauce, and a packet of Chinese chicken salad seasoning - then heated up leftover spaghetti for dinner, which we consumed at about 8:15 p.m. And the battery in my Zen Nano ran out of juice, so I couldn't even enjoy the consolation of a good story.

Google Pedometer said it's 2 miles to Nugget, 4 miles RT. My right knee has been complaining all day. I wonder if I'm actually going to make this half-marathon! My training plan shows a 5 mile walk this weekend - hope I can do it! The gel ice-pack is my friend!

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