June 21, 2008

Oo -ooh, I'm in Love!

It took a tragedy to bring this sunshine. My old Sony Ericsson cell phone's video displays (inside and outside) crashed last week. The phone is still good for receiving and making calls as long as you manually key in the number. But I can't see what time it is, set or cancel the alarm, use my phone book or any of the menus, take pictures or even see what photos I'd already taken. In fact, I think I've lost some priceless photos of Mother and my daughter, because they're saved on the phone and not on my SIM chip - unless the phone's display miraculously comes back, I may never be able to retrieve them.

So - via a roundabout route, I bought my latest and greatest toy: a red Samsung Blackjack II smartphone with Windows Mobile 6.0, Microsoft Office mobile including Internet Explorer, a 1.2 Megpixel camera, and GPS. It has a lovely chiming ringtone. Now I just need people to call me! I'm inventing excuses to whip it out and push its buttons so I can look and feel Important.

The phone also has the capability of downloading songs and audiobooks onto its microSD memory card. I don't have a headset yet, so I'll wait to explore that feature until I've learned how to use the rest of the stuff it can do.

For my next trick, I'll post a photo from my Blackjack.

1 comment:

PeonInChief said...

It's just one toy after another for you...