December 05, 2008

Prize Cookies

Wow! I won a gift basket in the raffle this morning, and the sample cookies are my new all-time favorite! Mmmm ... crispy salted oatmeal white chocolate cookies! As you can see from the half-empty cookie jar, I've been at 'em already. The Fair Oaks Library staff also included a comb-bound cookbook with staff-tested cookie recipes, including the one for these cookies, a cookie-sheet, spatula, oven mitts, measuring cups, and ingredients for the next generation of cookies: turbinado sugar, sea salt, white and dark chocolate chips, raisins, dried cherries, etc.

This morning, the library held its annual all-staff meeting, formerly known as the "cookie meeting" because of the cookie exchange that took place every year. Additionally, staff would donate several dozens of items for a raffle, which would go on forever. To shorten the meeting, for the last few years, the cookies and raffle have been supplanted by gift baskets and a silent auction, each branch preparing a themed basket. All proceeds go to support a charity, and this year's chosen charity is WEAVE.

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