May 31, 2010

Talking with the Dragon

Husband's hands hurt when he types. They hurt so much, he has to apply liniment and wrap them in bandages. Yet he needs to write articles, opinions, letters, book chapters, studies, ... as part of his work. Enter the Dragon, Naturally Speaking.

Dragon is software that transcribes into text what you say into a microphone. It makes it immeasurably easier for Husband to get those documents out, because the majority of the text is easily handled by Dragon, and only editing changes are necessary. Dragon "learns" as you speak, remembering your accent, intonation, and tempo.

Grandpa has lots of stories to share about the race track and about the service he performed during WWII. However, he doesn't type well, and isn't inclined to write it out in longhand. He is, however, very interested in gadgets and technology, so Husband bought him his own Dragon, which Grandpa's friend has now installed. The very same day, we got an e-mail from Grandpa via Dragon. Success!

So we need to encourage this, and get him to record his stories. If he dictates e-mails and sends them to us, Husband can edit and document a truly colorful lifetime achievement.

Oh, and if you are all thumbs when trying to type on the little tiny keyboard of your cell phone, Dragon is also available for iPhone and Blackberry! And I can testify that the mobile app works just fine.

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