November 06, 2005

Winter Wood and Lemons

We ordered a third of a cord of wood for our winter supply - and Pocket Firewood came through with a truckload this morning and dumped it in the parking lot. Pat came over, and the four of us made short work of stacking the wood on our patio. It seems like less than last year. Actually, that's good, as we were gratuitously burning last year's supply well into spring just so we would not haveto store any over the summer (spiders).

The Meyer lemon tree has twice as much fruit as last year, so I think sometime over the winter I will have to prune and repot it. Unless I can take over the area outside the fence as we did at the old apartment, I think all my plants will have to be in pots. The yard is so shady, I have to move the plants around to catch the few rays of sun that manage to filter in through the pines surrounding us.

We've noticed lots of active bird life recently - owls, hummingbirds, scrub jays, and various migrating species like geese and miscellaneous songbirds. The hummingbirds will stay year-round, and so we've started keeping a hummingbird feeder in the patio area. Several times a day, but particularly in late afternoon, the tiny hummingbirds come to check it out.

1 comment:

annot8 said...

Nov.19 - have to say the wood burns just fine - we made our first fire this week and toasted our toes till bedtime!