March 13, 2006

Camellias in Camellia City

Camellias are in bloom everywhere, here in Camellia City (Sacramento), so when I saw an announcement of the Camellia Society of Sacramento's show, I decided to go. In the back of my mind, I thought that, as Camellias don't do well in full sun, perhaps I could find out if they would flourish in my shady back garden. I had never been to a show before, so I was stunned to see that there are no plants in evidence - only blossoms. They stick the stem of each one into a little sample-sized cup of damp perlite. There were literally thousands of varieties - what you see here is a small sample of those whose names begin with "N". To see more gorgeous examples, visit the American Camellia Society's gallery of beautiful blossoms.

In addition to the blossoms, there were some displays of large and small floral arrangements, place settings, and trinkets - all about camellias. Here's the Best of Show arrangement:

So ... did I go out and buy a camellia? Not yet, but I'm thinkin' about it!

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