December 08, 2006

Open Sleigh

This is the library's lobby. Don't know where they got the sleigh, but added to the evergreen woods that sprang up one weekend, the place is beginning to look very festive. Soon staff will be adding decorations at the service desks, and then we'll be in business.

We've been having crisp, clear weather - well really, it's been downright cold. Lows in the morning have been hovering around 30 degrees for the last week. Today, the first good winter storm arrived, with blustery winds and rain. They are expecting a foot or more of snow in the foothills. It will not be so cold this weekend, but the highs will be much lower - in the 50s.

I met my benchmark of not turning the heat on until Thanksgiving. Well, I did turn it on once for a couple of hours in the second week of November, but my excuse was that we'd been out of the house for over a week, and I just needed to warm it up a bit. Even Marty, who never feels cold, has been wearing socks and sleeping under the warm comforter.

We were planning to drive up to Union Mine Pines to get our Christmas tree tomorrow, but if the rain continues, we will postpone the outing till next weekend. If we don't go, I'll be busy selecting photos for the photo clendar and rummaging around for the Christmas stationery and cards I bought at the end of the Christmas season last year. And cleaning.

I didn't take my usual week off after Thanksgiving, so I'm going to have to hustle during the evenings and weekends to get everything done. I want to bake some cookies, and we're doing a "Secret Santa" thing at work. Then there's the gift shopping, brining my tropical ginger and anthurium indoors at night, , and general riding herd on the household.

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