July 20, 2008

Do I Know You?

Tomorrow morning, Daughter is leaving with a group from her high school for a 9-day trip - they'll be spending a week in London! Son has been on his own for three years. Husband and I will be sans kids for the first time in many years - how will we know what to talk about?

Everyone will be here tonight for dinner - then Dear Daughter has to pack, and we need to be on the road at 4:30 a.m. in the morning. I-5 has been under construction for the past month, and all the northbound lanes are closed from L Street to Richards Blvd. That means we have to detour off the freeway through downtown and pick it up again north of the roadwork - in other words, it will take longer to get to the airport.

Along the lines of knowing myself - I took part in an exercise last week called Library Day in the Life. A couple dozen librarians volunteered to micro-blog their work days last week, in response to a question from someone who was thinking about going to library school. It was an eye-opener for me. I discovered I don't really do very much of what I was trained to do in library school, forcing me to re-think why I allowed my career to get so side-tracked. I'll be thinking of ways to include more professional projects in my career with Sacramento Public.

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