September 20, 2008

Fan Club

Fan Club Kitty

This here's a grey kitty that someone probably abandoned when they moved out. He got down to nothing but skin and bones, even though neighbors say they are feeding him. He's old, and I think he has trouble chewing crunchy food, so we've been putting out canned food and water. He's put on a little weight, and comes to claim his meals now. He's also stone deaf! And he loves to have his ears rubbed. Can't invite him in, because Marty is allergic. But he's been an outdoor cat for years, so I think he'll be ok as long as he gets food and - especially - water.


PeonInChief said...

And then in the winter there will be the little sleeping hutch with the blankets arranged just so, so that kitty can curl up and stay warm. And then,of course, every kitty needs some toys, so little balls and feathers and such will begin to populate the patio. And then, and then...

annot8 said...

... and we've since found out that the cat and his kitty friends do, in fact, have people. It's criminal, how they let them get so thin and how they left them outside in the high heat of summer without any water. I've been told that the "Fan Club" is 16 yrs. old. He deserves at least a kitty door ...