September 25, 2008

Pace: Backstretch

Daughter is a junior now. The Small Learning Community to which she belongs had a parents' meeting this evening in advance of the school's "Back to School Night" next week. A good idea - it gave the SLC's administrators a chance to expand on this year's programs, and gave parents a chance to get to meet the core subject teachers.

The talk was all about preparing for the PSAT, SAT, ACT, and AP subject tests. Beginning now, the kids will be getting information daily about how work they do now will affect their chances of getting into a good college, and about the timeline for completing the different parts of the graduation and college application process.

The school librarian was in touch last week, saying they weren't funded this year, and asking how she could tap the public libraries to supplement what the school library can offer students. Well, our funding was cut, as well, but I think it would be politic to work with the school. I'm going to write her back and offer my services as a volunteer on Mondays.

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