November 13, 2008

Housing Stalls

This was going to be a townhome 'plex with 24 units. The first 5 of them have been sitting in this condition for a year and a half, now, complete with stacks of shingles on their roofs, and are heading into their second lonely and unprotected winter. I believe transients sometimes stay inside, and once in a while we see a new broken, then boarded, window.

A family farm used to stand on this property, with a lovely old white farmhouse, garage, barn, etc. In our tenure here, we saw years of corn, tomatoes, sunflowers and other crops grown and harvested. But then the farmer died, and the property was sold. The new owners razed the house and other buildings, leveled the lots and put in the streets. Soon after the buildings went up, the housing bubble burst, and ... overnight the project was abandoned.

In this photo, if you blow it up, you can see a kid in a red hoodie standing on the corner. A few days ago we saw him tagging up on the levee. I think his paint can was empty, because he tossed it away in disgust, then sauntered down off the levee, trailing booming bass and angry-sounding rap from his media player...


annot8 said...

Well, surprise! Drove past these units this afternoon, and discovered workmen inside the fence, and porta-potties set up. We heard hammering - so either they are reinforcing the breaches or working on getting the project finished. Stay tuned ...

annot8 said...

1/2013: The townhomes burned down quite a while ago. Only one was left standing and it was razed for safety. There are no more buildings on the lot, and no evidence of further construction plans.