June 15, 2009

Still Knitting

Next weekend will be the beginning of summer. Mother Nature is still shaking her featherbeds, I think, because the weather is still cool with clouds and occasional sprinkles of rain. I've been working on a shawl since last fall, and it's almost finished now. I usually work on it for about 40 minutes while watching the 10 o'clock news. I think I'm within a couple of days of finishing the shawl proper; just have to decide whether or not to add a fringe.


A shawl in summer? The truth is, when the delta breeze kicks up in the evening, it gets downright chilly, as in lower 60s. I get cold, sitting still in front of the open windows watching the news. Letting that shawl drape over my knees is just the thing! It's not supposed to be this cool, but I'm not complaining at all!

1 comment:

annot8 said...

Appendix: I had decided not to fringe the shawl, but after testing it in front of the fan and the mirror, I decided it didn't really feel finished. So This evening, I finished fringing the ends, and now, almost a year after beginning it, the shawl is finally finished. And it was 102 degrees today - but I'm READY for winter!