June 07, 2009

William B. Pond Park

This morning, Husband and I arranged to meet my friend "D" at the gate of William B. Pond Recreation Area for a walk along the American River. She said she used to run here with her husky several years ago, and that the walk was "wild" and scenic. She was right. Although there were many people in the area, most with dogs, the equestrian trail was unimproved and provided many beautiful vistas of the river, such as this one.

So, with the good company, we walked and talked for almost two hours before returning to our respective cars, which we had parked on the street outside the park. She showed us published photos of her son, who is a free solo climber, and while we were admiring them, Parking Control cruised by and warned that we were parked in a No Parking zone! We never even saw the signs! So lucky we got back to the cars when we did, and we escaped without tickets. This time. We'll sure look for better parking next time!

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