June 29, 2009

Look, Ma! Pineapples!

Mom's caregiver, Isy, started these little "pines" from the tops of pineaples purchased at the grocery store. They're about a year old, and the little fruits will be ready for harvesting soon, I think. Brother put them in the ground a couple of weeks ago, transplanting them from the glass mayo jars they had been living in up to now.
He also put some of the papaya seedlings up in gallon pots. (See, Alison? I'm planting mine when I get back.)

Arrived today to perfect weather - mid-80s with a little breeze, blue sky and white clouds, hills and vegetation still green, and CLEAN AIR! Anyone who lives in Sacramento knows about the bad air that comes with high temperatures and lack of a delta breeze. At this moment, I'm sitting on her lanai listening to crickets, watching geckos chase after bugs, and hearing the wind in the coconut trees and the waves at the beach a block away. Lots of flowers: plumeria, hibiscus and lots more in full bloom here.


PeonInChief said...

Yes, I do see. We'll have to see how well they do in CA, though. Hope you're having a good time. Take pictures of the parade.

annot8 said...

Parade photos posted on Facebook.