November 26, 2009

The Wave

I received an invitation to Google Wave last week. It's like trying to play checkers with yourself - more fun when you're "waving" with friends. I send out a couple of my own invitations - be interesting to see if either invitee responds.

Wave is a way to communicate in groups in real time by chat, file and photo sharing. The total communication experience is called a wave. Waves can be replayed, in case you missed it, or if you want to go back and see how it developed. Waves can be private or public.

I discovered how to find public waves, so I spent about an hour looking for groups in Sacramento, groups about libraries, groups for newbies, etc. until my laptop slowed to a crawl. I guess that's one of the problems - too many simultaneous waves in your inbox slows you down.

I have some wave invitations to give away - if you're interested, I'll send you one. If we're online at the same time, we can do everything except voice.

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