November 27, 2009

Day After Thanksgiving

Grumble, grumble ... I filled the crock pot with good home-made turkey broth, vegetables, seasonings and a handful of barley, turned the dial to "high", and went out with Husband to the gym and my favorite yarn shop, Rumpelstiltskin. I was SO looking forward to the aroma of dinner upon our return, but ... the darn pot wasn't plugged in! Dang! So, now it has to go on the stove instead, in order to be ready by dinnertime.

It was supposed to rain this morning, but it didn't come in till late afternoon. I was crocheting and listening to the rain, remarking that it sure sounded loud for the amount of rain coming down. I looked up to find that it was hailing! Here's what it looked like:

Hail usually lasts for only a minute, and it melts quickly - so to be available at the time it occurred was special!

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