December 06, 2009


The excitement is building, whipped by the animated storm maps of the meteorologists on every television channel. A very cold storm arrived today, dumping enough snow in the foothills to warrant closure of Highway 80, one of the busiest trans-sierra routes. There have been over 45 storm-related accidents in the last 4 hours up there!

But why the excitement? Because the storm is so cold, there is a good chance of snow here on the Sacramento Valley floor - anywhere from a trace to 3 inches! The high temp tomorrow is forecast to be somewhere around 41 degrees, and the low on Tuesday morning in the mid-20s! As I write this at 10:30 p.m., it has been raining for about 45 minutes, and that is supposed to change to snow tonight. If so, I'll be out there with the video camera in the morning! If not, there will be a lot of disappointed children, myself included.

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