August 20, 2006

Blessing of the Rainbow

In Hawaii, it is considered highly auspicious if there is a light, misty rain on the morning of an important event. Most times, a rainbow follows. Aside from the biblical promise of the rainbow, it makes the events of the day and the blessing seem even more meaningful. This double rainbow appeared just at sunrise this morning in the midst of a fine, misty drizzle. I took it for a promise of a turning point in Mom's recovery.

Last night, when Mom went to bed, she was feeling better. We don't know what bit her a couple days ago, but she must have had some kind of bug - slight fever, fatigue, no appetite, nasal congestion. Last night, she started feeling better. So, after a dinner of soup and crackers, she went to bed, and got up at least two times after that asking for milk and ginger ale before finally going to sleep for the night.

Today, she got up early, ate a good breakfast, stayed alert for the Eucharistic Ministers who come every Sunday and visited with Lea. Then came lunch, a nap, and a repotting. (I carried out my threat of having her pot up two ti leaf cuttings that had rooted in water.) After dinner, around 7:30 she retired for the night, having been awake more of the day than recently. This is a good thing!

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