May 19, 2008

Brave Beginning, Disappointing Ending

Race startThis is the beginning of the 2008 Avenue of the Vines half marathon. More than 700 runners and walkers crossed the starting line at 8 a.m. There was a simultaneous 5k going on, but somehow, they all sorted themselves out. The results were posted quickly.

The heat was brutal - heat records were set all up and down the Central Valley. Stockton reached 105; Lodi peaked at 98; Sacramento at 99. There was no shade along the route, which did in fact loop through vineyards - and also several odiferous dairies!

For the first 6 miles, I buddied up with Bridget because we seemed to be walking at the same pace. And then it all fell apart for me. Bridget finished - I didn't.

It took 3 1/2 hours to reach the 10 mile marker, where I realized I was having trouble breathing - almost like an allergic response or an asthma attack - very hard to suck enough air in, even though I was not "out of breath" from exertion. Walking made it worse, even after resting a bit. I knew I was more than 3/4 of the way to the finish line, but the thought of getting into respiratory trouble between aid stations - especially since I knew I was the very last person still walking, with no one behind me - made me decide to abort and get a ride back to the winery. It would have taken another hour to finish if I were not in distress, and I had no wish to be found collapsed on the side of the road.

toesI was - still am - crushed, disappointed, angry, embarrassed that I failed to complete the walk. I realize it was not my fault; I just don't do failure well. After the tears, though, I have decided what I am going to do: I will continue training this week and walk the 13.1 miles next week. In Hawaii. So there!


PeonInChief said...

You made it 10 miles. It was miserably hot. It was your first half-marathon. Congratulate yourself!

annot8 said...

Thanks! I feel better about it now, and I am going to walk 13.1 miles. They say vog is an issue in Hawaii at the moment, so if the air there is bad I'll wait till I come back.