December 02, 2005

Knitting Basket

This morning Sacramento Public Library had its annual all-staff holiday meeting, formerly known as the "Cookie Meeting." Staff from all 27 branches come to Central Library to recognize retirees and new staff, eat cookies, and raffle items as a fund-raiser for the local Salvation Army. This year, the raffle funds were split between the Salvation Army an a Katrina libraries' relief fund.

Last year, we instituted branch gift baskets instead of hundreds of individual raffle items as a way to expedite the raffle part of the meeting. It was so successful that they did it again this year - and I was the lucky winner of what seems to have been the most-coveted basket: the Knitting Basket. It contains a collection of luscious yarns which include several balls (some can be seen at the front of the basket) of yarn hand-spun by one of our bookmobile librarians. It also contains knitting needles and crochet hooks, instructions for same, a pattern book and a pattern-a-day calendar!

Knitting basket

Nice additional touches include a scarf, a pair of doilies, a cute tape measure in a "sheep" skin, and knitting needle point protectors in the shape of Christmas stockings. I'm looking forward to a warm fuzzy winter of knitting pleasure!

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