December 26, 2005

Sweet Distraction

The Sacramento Blood Source called to say they are critically short of blood this week, so I went in to donate a pint this afternoon. I try to do this every eight weeks, and I'm glad I picked today! This yard-high "gingerbread" house was standing on the donation floor, adding a touch of whimsy to an otherwise pretty sterile environment. My phlebotomist also decorated my elbow wrap with a "bow" made of contrasting wrap!

Blood donations immediately benefit those who need plasma or red blood cells. I began donating blood when I couldn't afford monetary contributions, and have continued pretty much every couple of months since then - I'm a 5-gallon donor now! Besides, they feed you pretty well afterward: today there was stew, doughnuts, cheese, fruit, and all the soft drinks and juice you could want! (Donors are required to spend at least ten minutes in the refreshment center before leaving!) They were also giving away Baskin-Robbins coupons today - "a pint for a pint." French Vanilla ice cream should go pretty well with the Christmas apple pie, I think.

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