March 05, 2007

Sackatomatoes .. and avos

I was doing some last-minute shopping this afternoon, and came across this display of avocados and tomatoes in Daiei. I've become accustomed to the tiny, dark, rough-skinned Hass avocados we have in Sacramento, so seeing these big-as-a papaya, smooth-skinned ones brought back memories for me. (But check out how pale the tomatoes are!)

The other thing I did today was go back to King Digital and pick up the photos and scrapbook pages and the shiny new gold archival CD with the scanned images. They were saved as HUGE .tiff files, so will probably have to be converted to .jpg or .pdf in order to be able to send them by e-mail or post to the web. The images are photos of Una Soutar, mostly, and her sisters Etta and Rita. They were actresses, and the photos show them costumed for their parts. I also had them scan ten pages from Grannie's scrapbook, with reviews of the plays. The photos and scrapbook pages are crumbling into dust, and I wanted to preserve them. Since I want to send some of the images to Nicola for the book about the history of theatre in Jamaica she is working on, the local photographer who took our family portrait four years ago recommended King Digital Photos as the best place to get them scanned for publication. The shop did a great job. I'll have to convert the files to another format in order to share them, though.

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