March 26, 2007

Taxes and Second Life

This year, for the first time in my life, someone else prepared our tax returns. It was so easy! We just provided the accountant with the W-2s, 1099s, and expenses - he prepared and filed the return within a few days - have no clue what he charged for the service, but it will be deductible next year, I bet. I used to take a week off from work and labor over the phone bills, the American Express annual reports, and checkbook. I could get used to paying someone else for that priviledge.

I've been exploring Second Life a little more, recently - my avatar is a goth female named "Annot8 Greatrex". I'm still getting used to controlling her movements with the mouse - my mouse is so sensitive, if I move it too much, either Annot8 spins around, or the world spins around. Funny, but if you're trying to go somewhere, you could be walking into walls or falling off roofs! Not great for first impressions. An interesting convention in Second Life is that your name floats in a balloon over your head, and when you're typing in the chat window, your avatar's hands click on an imaginary keyboard, so others can see you're about to say something!

I met some nice folks at the Alliance Second Life Library last night, and I'm going to attend my first event in Mystery Manor on Wednesday - "Dropping the other gumshoe," a mystery book discussion group. I haven't read the book, but I'm curious to see how the discussion goes.

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